Desire in Search of an Object: Spectacle and Longing in the Art of Paul Pfeiffer
Life Finally Caught Up to Science Fiction
A Book of Marvels
The All-Knowing Cloud and the Cloud of Unknowing
Geghard Monastery: A Sanctuary of Divine Serenity
An Image of Faith?
Do You Know the "Other" Statue of David?
The Arts as Resistance: Armenia's Men of Bronze
Why We Need William Blake
Air Jordan: Relic of Desire
The Air Jordan: Legacy of a Popular Relic
Sacred Artifacts in the Era of the Digitalized Family
The Spectacle of Self-Improvement
The Aura of Our Mechanical Arts
Symbols of Excess: Ozark and the Idolatry of Our Times
Emulating Divine Creation: Philip Guston's Third Act
The Readymade as Social Exchange: Everyday Tactics of Resistance in Conceptual Art
Hovering Over the Waters
Justice and the American Way
Armenia's Cross: A Cosmic Tree of Life
The Comic Saul
Setting Sail for Truth
The Place of Unknowing
Ghosts in Los Angeles
The Shape of Personality
Reimagining Paradise and Compassion
Resurrection and the Everlasting Image
Portraits of the True Self
A Pronounced Feeling for the Inner Life
Birth Through the Virgin and Child
Ecstasy in Stone: Viewing Bernini through a Contemplative Lens